Happy New Month!

Today, I'm talking vintage. Wore one of my vintage shirts yesterday(I have just two BTW).

Told a friend I was going to write about how to style vintage clothing , so here we go:

Vintage Shirts
  • Leggings: I basically style mine with leggings just because it's either oversize like the one at the top of this post or has a short dress-look like the one Here 
  • Skinny Jeans: Oh yeah, just a substitute for the leggings in the case of the oversized shirt. 
  • Mini skirts / shorts: Oversized or not and depending on the style of the short dress, vintage shirts can be tucked in partially or fully in a mini skirt / short. Definitely nice for a social outing. 

  • As a jacket: Yes, I have one that's a short dress and a jacket. Call it two in one

Vintage scarfs
  • As a belt: If you own a vintage scarf I guess you must have used it as a belt. It's very easy- follow the holes and knot. 
  • As a scarf: Obviously, y'all know about this. 
Lastly, I style my vintage clothing with either white, black,blue or any one color in the vintage clothing. Just my way.

Outfit details 
Vintage shirts : Similar Gee ¦Thrift
Skirt : Similar Billabong ¦ Random
Shorts : Thrift
Leggings : Similar Atmosphere ¦ Thrift
Fishnet Panty hose : Here
Shoes - Black flats : Similar H&M ¦ Random 
              White heels : Similar Ajvani ¦ Thrift also styled it Here
               Sandals : Here also styled one of their piece Here

How will/do you style yours?

PS: If you don't own a vintage clothing, do get one... or two for starters.


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